East Cambridge, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information about the Population & Steets in East-Cambridge City, Massachusetts, you have come to the right place. Here you will find some helpful facts about this city. For instance, you will find out the population density and neighborhood demographics. You will also learn about the public access television in East-Cambridge. The city also maintains sewer services for residents and business. The city is interconnected to the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority's sewage treatment plant located in Boston Harbor.

During the Great Depression, local industries were hit hard, but they recovered during World War II, and more people began to move to the area. After the demolition of the West End, more people came from the city, and a new wave of Portuguese immigrants, fleeing the authoritarian Estado Novo government and volcanic eruptions in the Azores, moved to East Cambridge in the late 1950s. A multi-ethnic population revitalized the deindustrialized area in the 1980s.

The city became a major industrial center during the 19th century. The Canal Bridge, built in 1809, connected the city to Boston. This bridge also eliminated the eight-mile trek through Boston Neck, Roxbury, and Brookline. The new bridge and road infrastructure helped transform the marshland area into a prime residential and business district. The influx of immigrants led to a significant change in the demographics of the city.