East Falmouth, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the demographics for Population & Steets in East-Falmouth City. The area's median age is 44. The percentage of people who identify as Hispanic is 17.8%. The city's population is made up of many different races. Census respondents are asked to list their ancestry. The most common ancestry groups are Irish, English, Italian, Portuguese, and African American. Other prominent ancestry groups in East Falmouth are Cape Verdean, Spanish, and Korean.

The majority of residents in East Falmouth speak English. 97.8% of residents in the city speak it exclusively or very well. That figure is higher than the U.S. average. One way to assess the diversity of the population in East Falmouth is to look at the diversity of the town. Areas that have all-white and all-black populations are not considered diverse. In contrast, areas with a combination of different races and ethnicities have high diversity.

According to the 2010 Census, the poverty rate in East Falmouth was 10.2%. This was lower than the national poverty rate, which was 14.1%. In comparison, the state of Massachusetts had a poverty rate of 10.8%. However, in the city of Falmouth, the poverty rate is slightly higher than the national average. That's a significant difference. If you're wondering if you'll find yourself in the city's poverty line, you've come to the right place.

Although the murder rate per resident is higher in the south-west area, it's lower in the southeast and northeastern areas of East Falmouth. While this doesn't make sense, comparing murder rates by population is an easy way to determine which neighborhoods in East Falmouth are safer than others. The table below shows crime rates for other cities with similar populations. East Falmouth is much safer than the state and national average.