Indian Orchard, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A quick demographic overview of Indian Orchard's population can be found below. This data comes from the American Community Survey (ACS) and is updated yearly. The US Census Bureau does not guarantee that the data is accurate. For more information on the Indian Orchard city, population, and neighborhood data, please refer to the official city website. Also, check out this map of the city's streets.

The population of Indian Orchard is 181,045. Of this number, 88,150 people were males and 92,895 were females. The median age in the city is 33.4 years for both males and females. The median household size is 2.47 people. The median home value is $135,506 per home. The median household size is two people.

The violent crime rate in Indian Orchard resembles the state map. However, crime is more concentrated in the northeast part of the city, where fewer people live. The west part of the city has a lower violent crime rate, with about 11 incidents per year. It's important to note that these rates are not necessarily indicative of danger in Indian Orchard for residents. If you're looking for a safe place to live, Indian Orchard might be the place for you.

The population of Indian Orchard is also quite small. This city was at the height of the Great Depression, and most residents were French Canadian mill workers making an average of $1,000 or $1,300 a year. According to census records, John and Rose Levesque lived in a building with nine of their eleven children. The oldest children lived in the building, aged one to 26. The other four were probably working in factories, since child labor was common in Indian Orchard.