Menemsha, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The newest data on the city's population and steets is available online. Compared to the past, this data represents a marked improvement. The area is more diverse, as indicated by the color of the area. Green areas have more people of color, and red areas have fewer. A city that is mostly white would be considered to be uninspiring. For more information, check out the following map.

The age distribution of the population shows that twenty percent of the population is under age, compared to twenty-six percent of the population. The other age distribution reflects that half of the population is over 65 years old. The median age was 38.3 years, and fifty-nine percent of the population is male and fifty-one percent is female. The median income per capita is $26,615. The median household income is $53,772 and the per capita is $26,605. The percentage of people who live below the poverty line is low, with only six percent of the population living below that level. The median household income is $53,772 while the median family income is $26,605 per person. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is lower than the national average. In addition, one in five households is under eighteen years old,

There are many things to do in Menemsha. You can explore the city's history and enjoy the picturesque view of Menemsha Pond. Its town has a small beach, public restrooms, a gas station, and is easily accessible via the public bus system. It is also well-suited for those who enjoy the outdoors and nature. You can eat in one of its restaurants and enjoy the seaside views while drinking cheap coffee at a nearby gas station.