Millers Falls, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets of Millers Falls City? What is the ethnic makeup of Millers Falls? Are you curious about the percentage of Western European and South Central Asian people? If so, you're not alone. Millers Falls is home to a growing number of immigrants from other countries, including Mexico, Canada, and the United States. Compared to other cities in the U.S., Millers Falls has a high proportion of foreign-born residents.

What are the Demographics of Millers Falls City? You can find out by viewing a city's official government website. This site has information on the number of residents, their average age, and whether or not they live in apartments, single-family homes, or duplexes. The city is also home to many families and has more than 5,000 residents, according to the Census Bureau.

Millers Falls has a thriving educational system. More than 25,000 children attend the public school system, which consists of 34 elementary schools, four middle schools, and seven high-schools. In addition, the city is home to several learning centers, an adult education component called Night Life, and a public-access television channel. In addition to public schools, the city is home to nine colleges and universities. In fact, the state's Governor, Charlie Baker, has recently awarded a $1.3 million grant to the town's Elm Park Community School.

The 2010 census revealed that 69.4% of the population is white. The remaining population is 11.6% African American, 0.4% American Indian or Alaska Native, 2.6% Hispanic or Latino, and 0.1% Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander. The city is home to nearly 6,000 Hispanics. The population of the city was 12.7% Puerto Rican, but it has a large percentage of Hispanics.