North Pembroke, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In North Pembroke City, a recent census revealed that the population has increased by almost 6%. However, a large portion of that growth is in the form of affordable housing. Residents of the area should be aware of the city's zoning regulations and abide by them. The zoning board of adjustment hears variances from these guidelines and is responsible for approving or rejecting the proposed development.

The population of North Pembroke City, NC is composed of a mix of non-Hispanic whites and African-Americans. Its median household income is $24,034, less than the national average of $65,712. Pembroke, NC has an estimated 830 residents and has three industries, the largest of which is Health Care & Social Assistance, followed by Educational Services and Manufacturing.

The average age of all residents of North Pembroke, NC is 22.8. The age of natives is 23 years old, while foreign born citizens are 29. The most common foreign born origins are Mexico, India, and Honduras. For those looking for North Carolina census information, Pembroke, NC is home to a small school district and an elementary school.

The 1991 Census of Population and Steets reveals that North Pembroke City has 14,390 acres of land and water. A 1993 Master Plan reported that the city had 14,493 acres. The NH Office of Energy and Planning provides data on both land and water acreage in Pembroke City. It is 22 square miles, which is just under half of the state's land.