Thorndike, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for a map of Thorndike City, Maine, you've come to the right place. Here you will find the population and steets, as well as contact information for town hall officials. The town has a population of just over 2,000 people, and the map below will give you an overview of its demographics. You'll also find the town's address, phone number, and schedule.

When it comes to diversity, Thorndike is not far behind. Only about 3% of the population was born outside the United States. And Thorndike is about a sixth the size of Maine. As a result, the proportion of foreign-born residents is low. As a result, the city is a safe haven for foreign-born individuals, especially those who came from other countries.

Demographics are also useful in understanding the age distribution of the population in Thorndike. There are several large generations in Thorndike, and it's helpful to identify areas with older residents. Thorndike's population has the lowest percentage of people under twenty-five years old, and the highest percentage of people between thirty-four and forty-nine-year-olds, which is 10.3% of the total. Similarly, the proportion of people between fifty-sixty-nine-year-olds is lowest, at just over two percent.

Demographics in Thorndike Maine can be found in the United States Census Bureau and American Community Survey. Thorndike's population, measured as people per square mile, is just over 1,300. This is lower than the population of most cities and towns in the surrounding area. The largest city in the area, Belfast, has a population of 6,710.