West Boylston, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A map showing population and steets in West Boylston City, Massachusetts, shows that the population is approximately 7,669 people. By 2020, this city is expected to have a population of 8,039 people. It was incorporated 380 years ago, in 1641. Here are some stats about the town. The city has a very low crime rate and is a great place to live.

The population of West Boylston is around 3,000 people. The city has the second-highest proportion of non-citizens in Massachusetts. The city has a relatively small number of people who were born in Europe, South America, and Africa. The majority of residents of West Boylston are white, but there are some people who were born in Africa or Asia. Aside from the native population of this city, there are immigrants, naturalized citizens, and residents of other countries.

The birth rate in West Boylston is 3.1%. The highest birth rate is in the Rutland CDP. West Boylston's birth rate is about average. The city has a very low crime rate compared to other cities in Massachusetts. The population is very diverse, and the city has a population that is as varied as the state. But no matter what your needs may be, West Boylston is a great place to live.

The town is largely white, and has a large number of middle aged adults and early-twenties. There are only a few single parents and families, and the percentage of children under eighteen is fairly small compared to other areas of the country. The town also has a low number of vacant houses and one or two nursing homes. The town is home to a variety of businesses, including a large number of local restaurants, bars, and grocery stores.