West Groton, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of West Groton is composed of both single people and couples. Groton has a higher percentage of single people than the rest of Connecticut at 51%. However, the percentage of couples is less than the average in the state. In terms of families, the average family size in Groton is 2.8.

The population of Groton is made up of both native and foreign-born citizens. The city is about three-fourths of the size of Connecticut. The number of foreign-born residents in Groton is also increasing, with the average age of the population reaching 41. Of the foreign-born residents of the city, the most common country of birth was China. Next in number was the Dominican Republic. Brazil, with about 81,000 foreign-born residents, was the third-largest country of origin.

The town had a long history of shipbuilding. The Electric Boat Division of General Dynamics delivered 74 diesel submarines to the Navy during World War II. This led to the city being known as the Submarine Capital of the World. Today, the town is a center for industry and commerce and a popular tourist destination.

The city's major employers are the General Dynamics Electric Boat Division and Pfizer. The Electric Boat plant is located on the eastern shore of the Thames River and employs over ten thousand people. Pfizer is a large pharmaceutical company and has a research facility here. The city is also home to several small communities, including Bluff Point, Eastern Point, Esker Point, Jupiter Point, and West Pleasant Valley.