Whately, Massachusetts Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you know the population of Whately City? If so, you should know this before you move there. This city is home to a large population of immigrants, including many refugees. In the last few years, Whately has successfully resettled over two thousand refugees, including many from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iraq, Somalia, Bhutan, Syria, and Afghanistan. The demographics are very diverse, and the city has a strong sense of community.

The city is located along the Connecticut River. The western part of Whately is hilly. The highest point in Whately is Mount Esther at 980 feet. The town is also home to the Mill River, which flows from the Connecticut River. Lastly, the Great Swamp Brook flows through the town. In addition to these rivers, Whately is also bordered by more marshy land to the south and southeast. Because of the dense population, however, much of the area around these rivers has been cleared and converted into farming areas.

The population of Whately is a mixture of European and American people. The West Whately neighborhood is particularly ethnically diverse. There are more Lithuanians than any other neighborhood in the United States, and more French Canadians than any other neighborhood. Among the other notable ethnicities, this area is also unique linguistically. Residents of City Center / West Whately speak African languages at home. That's much higher than the average of ninety-five percent of American neighborhoods.