Armada, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides the population and steets of Armada City, MI. This information can be useful for identifying neighborhoods and getting a feel for the community. It can also help you identify cities within 100 miles of Armada. The chart below shows the racial and ethnic makeup of the city. In Armada, the majority of residents are White.

The median age of Armada residents is 40.9 years old. This figure is for both natives and foreign-born residents. In Armada, the median age for native-born citizens was 40 years old and for foreign-born residents, it was 81 years old. However, the city is getting younger. In 2018, the average age was 46. The majority of residents were born in Mexico, which was home to 80,443 Michigan residents. Other native ethnicities include Native American, Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander.

The first school in Armada was a one-room building. Over time, other schools were built around the township. The township was eventually consolidated in the 1940s, and children from the town were bussed into the surrounding town district. The Armada Free Public Library was built in 1915 and still provides library service today. The city was home to several fraternal organizations, including the Armada Coronet Band. In 1861, the city was incorporated, and by then it was a bustling town of over 800 people.

The city's demographics include information such as the percentage of single people and their age. The Armada population is comprised of people of different ages and marital status. In terms of median age, the city is ranked fifth in the state of Oklahoma. For other stats, see the table below. You can also learn more about the average family size in Armada.