Baraga, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The baraga city, Michigan population is just over ninety thousand people. According to the last census, almost 13% of residents were below the poverty line. There are several things you can do to improve your chances of being a part of the population. Listed below are some ideas on how to do so. And if you haven't visited the city yet, you might want to start.

In Baraga, MI, the median age of residents was 34.4. Native citizens were 32 years old, while foreign-born residents were thirty-four years old. As a whole, the median age of the residents of Baraga was a bit younger than in other parts of the U.S. Overall, people are getting younger in Baraga, MI. Of those who were born outside of the United States, most of them were from Mexico. The second most common country were India and Iraq.

While the majority of residents in Baraga are U.S. citizens, the area's diversity is diverse. There are approximately nine hundred and seventy people of any race or ethnicity living in the city. The city has one university that will award 13 degrees by 2020, and two cars per household are the norm. Baraga, MI also has many immigrants from other countries. A population density of ninety-four thousand is the largest proportion of residents with a college education.

The median income of Baraga, MI households is $24,847. The percentage of homeowners is lower than the national average of 64.1%, while it is slightly higher than the national average of 32.3%. Nearly two percent of the people in Baraga, MI are employed. Most people in this area own their own car. However, the median income of Baraga, MI is below the state average.