Boyne Falls, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are wondering about the population and satets in Boyne Falls city, Michigan, then look no further. Radaris is here to help! In fact, Radaris can provide you with vital information about the city. Here are the details:

The village has a total area of 0.6 square miles, which is equivalent to 1.5 km2. Of this, 0.6 square miles is land and the other 1.79% is water. As of the 2000 census, there were 158 households with children aged 18 and under. The remaining 40.8% of households were married couples, with a female householder who was unmarried. Thirty-four percent of households were non-families. One-fifth of the total population was 65 years or older. The gender composition of the population was a little bit higher than the national average with males outnumbering females by nearly two-to-one.

The zip code for Boyne Falls City, Michigan, is 48803. This means that the city is located within Charlevoix County. The USPS gives it the default name. The city's population is estimated to be 4,599 by 2020. Additionally, the city's library is located in the city, with a phone number listed. If you are interested in learning more about Boyne Falls, Michigan, you can contact the village hall at 480-2728.

The median household income in Boyne Falls, MI is $40,833, which is lower than the national average. A family of four living in this city makes $94,904 annually. There are a lot of very rich and poor people in the city, but overall it's a middle-class area with a lot of middle-class residents. The majority of Boyne Falls, MI residents identify themselves as White (Non-Hispanic), followed by Two+ (Non-Hispanic), American Indian & Alaska Native (91.4%), and Other (Hispanic). The remainder of the city's people report being Black, African-American, or Other.