Bronson, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're planning to move to Bronson City, Michigan, you may want to know the population and steets of the area. Using the data from the Census Bureau, you can estimate how many people live in Bronson City. You can also view the demographics of Bronson by neighborhood, which will give you a better idea of how safe the neighborhood is.

The number of people living in Bronson is just under a third of the state of Michigan. The city is home to about 2,800 people. In comparison, Coldwater has a population of nearly ten times bigger than Bronson. Bronson is a small town with a large number of residents, but it boasts a population that's growing rapidly. Population growth is projected to continue until the year 2035, and the city is expected to continue to grow.

Historically, Bronson was known as Chunky Pond. It was incorporated as a town in 1839 by James C. Bronson, a local politician and friend of early United States senator David Levy Yulee. In 1880, Bronson had a population of two hundred fifty. It is the third most populous town in the greater Bronson area, with Coldwater boasting a population of 12,203.

The birth rate of Bronson is forty-eight percent. Bronson is the third most unmarried city in the Bronson area. Only Colon and Orland have higher rates. With these figures, you can easily understand why Bronson is the third place in the area to have a higher percentage of unmarried children. If you're thinking about moving to Bronson, consider all the factors that impact population growth in the Bronson area.