Cedar, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Cedar City, UT are a bit lower than the national average. The median home value in Cedar City, UT is $215,900, 0.898 times lower than the national average. The city's homeownership rate is 52.4%, lower than the national average of 64.1%. Residents of Cedar City drive an average of 13.3 minutes to get to work, and most commute alone. The median home value is about equal to the national average of two cars per household.

The median age in Cedar City, UT was 26.2 in 2019. This number includes both native-born and foreign-born citizens. Of these, 97.5% were US citizens. The foreign-born population of the city is significantly higher, at 53.7%. Several military members live in Cedar City. Approximately 7% of residents were in the military during the Vietnam War. In addition, the median home price in Cedar City is $358,551.

The city was founded in late 1851 by Mormon pioneers. The group came from the nearby Parowan, Utah, and were sent to build an ironworks. The city was first referred to as Fort Cedar. The location was favored by the Mormons because of its proximity to a large iron and coal deposit. It was named after the plentiful trees in the area. In 1851, two companies of pioneers led by Henry Lunt reached the site during a blizzard.

The city's population is primarily comprised of families. Twenty-two percent of its population is under the age of 18, while twenty-nine percent are between the ages of 25 and 44. Eighteen percent of all households are single, and one-fourth are non-families. Finally, 16.3% of the total population is made up of individuals, including elderly individuals. If you are interested in finding out more about the city, the population is around 31,222.