Cement City, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the city of Cement City, MI, had a population of 482. The median household income in Cement was $41,023, down 4.87% from the previous year. The city's ethnic composition is predominantly White (non-Hispanic) with a small proportion of Hispanics and Two Or More. Of the total households, 0% are Hispanic, while 61.8% are White.

The Census and ESRI provide statistics for renter-occupied housing units in Cement City. Those numbers indicate a slight increase from 2015 to 2016, despite the decline in population. Compared to nearby cities, Cement City has a relatively stable population and a low rate of evictions. Nearby towns like North Adams and Pettisville both have more renter-occupied units than Cement City.

The city's population is quite diverse, with 30.5% of residents under 18 years old. Another 14.5% are between 25 and 44 years old. Twenty-one percent are single. And thirteen percent are 65 or older. The average household size was 2.79 people. In the past, this area was dominated by industries that produced cement. Cement City, Texas was a key producer for both, but today the city is thriving thanks to the Cement and Asphalt industries.