Charlevoix, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for information on the population and steets in Charlevoix City, Michigan, you have come to the right place. You can find out as much as you want by reading this article. Here are some quick facts about this city. Getting to know your neighbors is not a difficult task. After all, Charlevoix is only a few miles away!

The population of Charlevoix City is divided into two subsets, those under the age of 18 and those who are aged between 25 and 64. The median age was 41, and the number of females was eighty-seven to one. A total of 28 pilots and ten other airmen lived in the city. The average household income was $28,100. The population density is low, and the median age is 41.

The City of Charlevoix is home to approximately 63,368 people. The population is expected to reach 63,368 by the year 2020. However, that figure may change. Regardless of the current population, there is room for growth. Despite these challenges, the future of Charlevoix is bright. The city is well on its way to becoming a vibrant, modern community. Using a future land use map will help the city define its character, as well as its future uses.

According to Census data, 78% of the residents of Charlevoix, MI are of European descent. This ranks Charlevoix Michigan third in the world for population. The other two CDPs of Charlevoix are Ironton and Norwood. And the city is not far from Lake Michigan. You can also see the highest concentration of foreigners in this city. However, if you are looking for a small town, consider Charlevoix, MI as your first choice.