Chassell, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are looking for the population and steets of Chassell City, MI, you have come to the right place. Below, you can find out what the city has to offer. You can also find a list of nearby towns. These towns are located within a hundred miles of Chassell City. You can also use this list to plan a road trip or book a flight to one of these cities.

The community of Chassell is located on Pike Bay in the northern part of the township. It is primarily residential, with some seasonal homes and many waterfront properties. The town is home to several unique retail shops, restaurants, and service establishments, as well as a Township Park. Chassell has a population of approximately 1,725 people. If you are considering living in this area, you may be interested in learning more about the population of Chassell City.

The area surrounding the town of Chassell is characterized by varied topography, with ridges and valleys running from southwest to northeast. Although it is mostly flat, the soils of this area are highly fertile, making it a prime area for farming. The soils in Chassell are particularly suited to growing strawberries, and nearly half of the 650 acres of strawberry cultivation in Houghton County are in Chassell. In early July, Chassell hosts the Copper Country Strawberry Festival, where local residents come together to celebrate the fruit of the season.