Dearborn Heights, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in knowing the Population & Steets in Dearburn Heights, Michigan? Have you been searching for a city map with important demographic data? Take a look at the maps below for more information. Each map will show the racial makeup of Dearborn Heights. You can see whether the people in your neighborhood are mostly white, black, or another race. You can also find out whether they commute by car, trolley bus, or walk to work.

The city is divided into four school districts: Crestwood, Dearborn Public Schools, Dearborn Heights No. 7, and Westwood Community School District. The city has three high schools: Robichaud High School on Janet Street and Crestwood High School on Beech Daly Road. The city has also got three public high schools: Dearborn Heights District No. 7 and Annapolis High School on Clippert Street.

In the 2010 U.S. census, the city's population was 98,153. The predominant ethnicity was white, with 4.0% being black or African-American. The remaining people were either Native Americans, Asian, or Non-Hispanic of some race. There were also new waves of immigration from the Middle East in the late 20th century. Arabs, Palestinians, and Lebanese were among the groups of immigrants in Dearborn.

Among other things, people look for homes in communities that have low crime rates. In Dearborn Heights, MI, these factors may make a neighborhood attractive to them. You might be wondering if you can afford the home of your dreams in the city. In Dearborn Heights, MI, the median real estate cost is $84,900, which is 33.6% less than the national average. In Dearborn Heights, MI, the home price to income ratio is 1.9, which is nearly twice as low as the state average.