Deckerville, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Deckerville, Michigan is approximately 633 residents. Native-born residents are 45.0% white, and non-citizens are 0.2% black or Asian. Twenty-one percent of the population is 65 or older. There are about 474 homeowners per 1,000 residents, and 6.4% of the population identifies themselves as Hispanic. The median age is 47.5 years, with most residents in their 40s or younger.

The median property value in Deckerville, MI is $114,797. The median household size is 2.47 persons. The population of Deckerville is expected to grow by 0.4% over the next decade. There are approximately 102 renter-occupied housing units in the city, and there were seven evictions in 2016.

The average commute time for residents of Deckerville is 21 minutes. This is significantly shorter than the average commute time in Michigan cities. Three-fifths of the population travels by car, and public transportation and walking are not common modes of transportation in Deckerville. Despite this, there are still some reasons why the residents of Deckerville would choose not to use public transportation. If you want to learn more about the people who live in Deckerville, Michigan, make sure to visit the city's website and learn more.

The median annual income in Deckerville, MI is lower than the national average, and the city has a minority of people. The median household income in Deckerville, MI is $33,235. The median income in Deckerville is 7.21% lower than the national average. There are 329 people living in Deckerville, MI. The largest industries in Deckerville, MI are Manufacturing (73 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (58 people), and Retail Trade. Among these, Transportation & Warehousing (63%) are the highest paying industries in Deckerville.