Dowling, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population of Dowling City? The city is located in west-central Michigan, about 25 miles from Lake Michigan. The warmest months in Dowling are June and August, while January is the coldest. Grand Rapids is the primary business and cultural center of western Michigan, but Dowling is a relatively small city, with only 360 people. Since 2020, the population has grown by 17.0%.

The nearest big city is Detroit. If you want to go see the city, you can use the list of cities 100 miles from Dowling. This list is very useful for exploring the area. You can use this list to find out more about the population and steets of Dowling. You can also check out the population of other nearby towns. You may find that the population of the town you're interested in is more than what you expect.

The median property value in Dowling, MI was $150,600 in 2019. This is 0.626 times less than the national average. The homeownership rate in Dowling, MI is 88.4%, which is slightly higher than the national average. A majority of Dowling residents commute by car, and have a total household income below the poverty line. The median car ownership rate is three cars per household.