Drummond Island, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may be wondering what the population and steets are like in Drummond Island. Here are some facts about the city. The east part of the city is safer than the west and vice versa. There are fewer drugs in the south and west areas of the city. Overall crime is low in this area. Crime per capita in Drummond Island is lower than the national average. The city's population is a little over 4,000 people.

The ZIP Code for Drummond Island is 49726. It is located in Chippewa County. Its official USPS name is Drummond Island, Michigan. A map is available for the city. The area's current unemployment rate is 8.0%. Drummond Island is a part of the Traverse City metro area. If you're looking for a home in Drummond Island, Michigan, consider this information.

This city's population is made up of a diverse mix of residents. Twenty-seven percent of the population is under 18, seven percent is between 18-24, and thirty-nine percent is between 25-64. Forty-nine percent of the population lives in households headed by a married couple. The rest are non-families, and another 11.6% are senior citizens living alone. The median age in the city is 37 years old. The male population outnumbers the female population, 95 to three. The average family size is 2.86.