Farwell, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

For those interested in exploring the area, a map of the surrounding towns is a great place to start. You can find cities within 74 miles of Farwell, TX. Here are the top 3 cities to visit in the area. These are the closest ones to Farwell. Also, check out the map of population and steets in Farwell City. You'll find this information useful if you're planning a vacation in the area.

One way to discover which neighborhoods are safest is to look at the number of non-citizens in Farwell City. These residents are most likely to reside in residential areas, which are less prone to crime. A map of population density will show you areas where the crime rate is lower, especially when compared to areas near parks. In addition to demographics, you can also look at crime rates by neighborhood. In Farwell, the median age of non-citizens is 57. However, the area's crime rate may be higher if you live near an airport.

In terms of racial and ethnicity composition, Farwell ranks #1 in the United States for the largest percentage of people aged 60-69. The next diagram compares the ratio of Hispanic/Latino residents versus non-citizens. Native Americans, Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders make up the smallest percentage of the city's population. Population density is an important indicator of how affordable housing is in a particular area.