Frankenmuth, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets in Frankenmuth City, Michigan, are quite interesting. While it is small, Frankenmuth is a thriving city in southern Michigan. In 1845, fifteen Lutheran German immigrants came to this area with the intention of spreading the Christian religion to the Native Americans. Today, the city bills itself as Michigan's Little Bavaria, and its downtown has been modeled after an idealized image of a 19th century German village. The city has an amazing sense of fun, and its central business district resembles a theme park.

The median age of residents of Frankenmuth, MI is 47.7. This includes both native-born residents and foreign-born residents. Foreign-born residents in Frankenmuth, MI made up 24. The median age of native-born residents was 48. Foreign-born residents were 24, and the majority of them had at least one degree in a related field. The most common job groups in Frankenmuth, MI are Office & Administrative Support, Business & Financial Operations, and Management.

Frankenmuth's downtown area is pedestrian-friendly, but you'll need to bring a car to explore the city. Parking is available but not plentiful, and there's no shortage of parking, especially during busy tourist times. Downtown Frankenmuth includes several blocks of shops, including the Harvey E. Kern Community Pavilion. It's a pedestrian-friendly area, and there's plenty of room for a riverside picnic.