Grand Blanc, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets for Grand Blanc City, Michigan. You can easily find all the statistics you need to know about this area by using our interactive map. You can also check out the demographics of the city, including its current population and recent growth rate. This will give you a good idea of how the city has developed. To get a better idea of how the city has grown, you can read the statistics of other areas nearby.

The poverty rate in Grand Blanc is 11.6%. The lower the poverty rate, the more prosperous the society. The current poverty rate in Grand Blanc is 11.6%, whereas the surrounding communities have lower poverty rates. This is an important statistic to know because it will tell you how many people in the city work. But how do you know whether the city's citizens are living in poverty? Here is a look at the data you can use to make an informed decision.

People in Grand Blanc have a high concentration of higher education degrees. Ten percent of the population is Master's or Doctoral-degree holders. Twenty-nine percent of the population holds a Bachelor's degree. While there are different career options in Grand Blanc, the most common industries include healthcare, manufacturing, retail, and education. Sales are also a popular job function, with nine percent of residents working in this field.