Harbor Beach, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The most common racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Harbor Beach, MI is White, while Hispanic and Other groups are close behind. The median age in the city is 42 years old. The male to female ratio is 91.4, with 86.9 males for every 100 females in the city aged 18 and up. The median household income is $4,953.

Harbor Beach, Michigan is a small town located in Huron County. It is home to 1,604 people, and a single neighborhood. Much of the city's housing stock was built before World War II, making it one of the older historic cities in the country. The city has a low crime rate, and many residents enjoy living in a beautiful setting. Despite its size, the town has a very high rate of home foreclosures.

The median income in Harbor Beach, MI is $36,488, which is lower than the median household income of $65,712 in the United States. However, it is higher than the national average and compares favorably with the area's parent and neighboring geographies. Harbor Beach has a high percentage of Vietnam veterans. There are more than 700 public schools in the city, but there are many private schools, so it's easy to find a quality school.