Imlay City, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You may have been looking for a population and steets report for Imlay City, MI. This article provides you with a quick look at the city. You'll find out how many people live in this city, as well as their average age and race. Imlay City is located in Lapeer County, Michigan. As of the 2020 census, the population is expected to grow by 0.79%.

The racial and ethnic composition of Imlay City is White. Hispanics make up about 27.3% of the city's population, which is lower than the national average. Hispanics are included in the 'any race' category, since they're more likely to own their own cars. The number of immigrants in Imlay City is much lower than the national average.

Imlay City is situated in southeast Michigan, along the Detroit River. The city borders Canada and Windsor to the north. Imlay City is located on the edge of the Detroit metro area. It has a temperature of about 25 degrees, and the climate is pleasant during the warmer months of July and August. The coldest months are January and February, with temperatures averaging in the mid-teens.

The city has a ZIP+4 code and is located in the Lapeer County. The city's ZIP+4 code is IMLAY CITY. Its area code is 810, which makes it a middle-class city in Michigan. Aside from being a city, it also has a county-subdivision equivalent. In addition to residential neighborhoods, Imlay City has a variety of museums and public buildings.