Ironwood, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data show the population and steets of Ironwood City, Michigan. The population of the city is estimated at 7,336 people. The city has a low foreign born population with only 1.0% foreign born residents. The city's percentage of white-collar jobs is higher than its percentage of blue-collar jobs.

The median age in Ironwood City is 49.6 years, and the median household income is $26,611. Despite this, the population density is slightly higher than the state and national average. In fact, the city is smaller than Hurley, and its median age is 49.6 years.

The city has a five-member city council, which elects a mayor. The mayor is elected by receiving the most votes from the five council members. The city manager is responsible for day-to-day operations and reports to the city council during two meetings per month.

Ironwood was organized in 1886 and was incorporated into a city in 1889. In 1887, it was part of the Ontonagon County, but later became part of Gogebic County. In 1888, the town grew rapidly and citizens realized that the town needed a better government. A petition was filed for incorporation and approved by the governor on April 8, 1889. The city began operating under an aldermanic form of government. In the first election, 1,266 people voted for the mayor. Nathaniel Hibbert was elected as the city's first mayor.

The city's median property value is $52,800. This is a modest amount compared to the national average of $229,800. Its homeownership rate is 65.7% and a higher rate than the national average of 64.7%. Most residents commute by automobile. The average commute time in Ironwood, MI is 17.2 minutes. The median car ownership rate is two cars per household.