Kalamazoo, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are considering moving to Kalamazoo City, Michigan, you may be wondering about the city's population and steets. This is a good place to start, as there are plenty of resources available to you. Below is a list of important stats. Once you've looked through the information below, you should be able to plan your move. The population of Kalamazoo City is 62,568 people.

The city's median age is 26.2 years. Many residents commute by car, walking, or taking a trolley bus. The number of people in Kalamazoo is also growing as more new industries develop in the city. The city also has an active neighborhood development division that invests in economic development and community improvements. You can also find out more about the city's transportation options below.

In Kalamazoo, the median household income is $31,189. It is about 26.4 percent higher than the national median. The median home price is $189,100, and the appreciation over the last 10 years is 12.7%. In addition to these data, the city also has a strong arts scene. Many artists and performers live in Kalamazoo. During the fall season, the city is filled with live music performances.

The area surrounding Kalamazoo County was originally inhabited by Native Americans before 1200. The Hopewell mound can still be found in Bronson Park. The Hopewell civilization began to fall after the eighth century, and other Native American tribes moved in. By the time European explorers arrived, the area was home to the Potawatomi culture. However, the first major railroad station was built just six years later.