Lachine, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and sate of Lachine City are determined by several factors, including race and ethnicity. The city is home to a largely French speaking population. French speakers represent more than 20 per cent of the population, while Italian speakers account for eight per cent. Approximately thirty-four per cent of Lachine's residents are members of visible minorities. The largest groups of visible minorities are Black people, Latin Americans, and Arabs.

In Montreal, the city's streets are numbered according to their intersections with the Saint Lawrence River and Lachine Canal. North-south streets begin with one (1), while south-south streets begin with an even number. Generally, even and odd numbers are in the south and west directions, and the latter are on the east. A typical house number is six. A row of six houses is numbered seven to ten.

In Montreal, the vast majority of residents were of French descent. The North West Company flourished due to the city's distance from the interior. The fur trade played a vital role in Montreal's development. The city was growing and expanding through the settlement of its rural hinterland. The city's population started to diversify during the early nineteenth century, as immigrants from the British Isles began to settle the countryside.

As the population of Montreal increased, the downtown area was expanded. The city became known as "The City of Saints" and "The City of Hundred Clochers."