Levering, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You're curious about the population and steets in Levering City, Michigan. After all, what kind of community is this? Are you looking for a place to call home, or a new community to call home? Here are some statistics for you. First, you should know that Levering is home to 204 people. The median household income is $44,327. However, the number of people who are homeless is significantly higher than that figure.

As for racial diversity, residents of Kelton Ave / Levering Ave speak a wide range of languages. While English is widely spoken, other major languages are spoken as well, including Chinese, Iranian, German, Italian, and Arabic. The proportion of Asian residents living in Levering City is also higher than the average American neighborhood. That means that people in this neighborhood have different ethnic backgrounds than people in other parts of the city.

This neighborhood is home to a high concentration of college students, making it one of the safest and most walkable neighborhoods in the area. Overall, this neighborhood's vacancy rate is higher than 68.9%, which may indicate that the local housing market isn't strong. It could also mean that there are a lot of new houses in the area. In any case, the homes in Levering City's Kelton Ave / Levering Ave neighborhood are likely to be empty for some time, and the residents aren't using them.