North Street, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of North Street is comprised of different racial groups. The largest percentage of residents identify as White, while others identify as Black, Hispanic, or Asian. Their ancestries are most often German and English, while other important languages include Italian and Polish. North Street is a great place for families and does not have a lot of crime. However, if you are looking for a burgeoning nightlife, you may want to consider another city.

In the 1930 census, the city was one of the largest in Philadelphia County. Its streets and neighborhoods are listed below. The names of the streets and neighborhoods can be found in the index. Most streets are located between North Street and Market Street. In addition to the neighborhoods, the city has its own distinct street numbers. Its population, as of 2016, is around 110,000 people. The city's name is a combination of the names of its main thoroughfares.

In addition to the census-derived demographic data, you can also use a map to determine the race of the residents. A majority-race map shows the racial composition of the city. Darker shades mean a higher percentage of Black people. A diversity map shows the amount of racial diversity. Green areas have a high percentage of White people, while red areas are mostly minority-race residents.