Perronville, Michigan Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Perronville MI population is made up of 1,291 residents of various races. The city has a percentage of residents who identify as Black, Hispanic, or Asian, and a smaller percentage who identify as American Indian or Alaska Native. The city's median age is forty-one years. Perronville's median household income is $32,438. The city is ranked sixth in the state of Michigan for median household income.

The following table shows the top 10 cities closest to Perronville, MI. These cities are sorted by distance from Perronville, MI. If you'd like to travel a long distance, you can use the list to find the closest cities. Alternatively, you can search for cities within 100 miles of Perronville, MI. You'll find that many of the towns in the area are very close to Perronville.

In order to locate an address in Perronville, Michigan, you'll need to know the city's ZIP code. It's easy to do because the city's ZIP code is four-digits long, so you'll know what street it's on. Also, there are schools, libraries, and museums in the city. Make sure to know your ZIP code before relocating!