Akeley, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In terms of ethnicity, Akeley is comprised of 61.1% Whites, 12.3% Blacks, 5.4% Asians, and 0.2% Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islanders. There is also a relatively high percentage of Hispanics, at 17.8%. In terms of ancestry, most of Akeley's residents report German, English, and Norwegian. Yugoslavian and Finnish ancestry are also quite highly concentrated.

There are a few ways to determine the crime rate in Akeley. The crime rate map for Akeley shows the number of crimes committed per 1,000 residents over a standard year. The more crime-prone areas are those with more retail establishments. While the red areas do not necessarily indicate a high risk of crime for residents, they do represent the areas where crime is most prevalent. You can also view crime rates by block group, which shows the percentage of crime for a given area.

The poverty rate in Akeley is 10.1% lower than the national average. In fact, only 10.1% of Minnesotans live below the poverty line. You can also find crime, cost of living, and coronavirus stats for any state. You'll find these statistics useful when choosing a neighborhood. The data are updated regularly to reflect changes in the community. It is important to remember that Akeley is a relatively low-income neighborhood and there are many people living below the poverty line in Akeley.

The city was incorporated in 1916. It developed on large tracts of timber land purchased from Thomas Barlow Walker. A post office was established in 1895 in John A. Plummer's home. He was born in Indiana in 1851 and moved to Minnesota with his family in 1855. The city's population grew from 2,000 to over three thousand in the early twentieth century. The population increased to 3,500 by 1908.