Altura, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When it comes to population and steets, there are a few important statistics that should be accounted for. Altura is the second smallest city in Minnesota, with a population of 36.3, which is a lower percentage than the median age in Lewiston, which is 4.1 times larger. The population is equally split between men and women, with a low percentage of people under 20.

The population of Altura City is made up of a mix of single and married people. The city has a lower singles percentage than other cities and towns, with 47% of households being headed by a couple. This is about the same as the state's average percentage. Singles make up nearly 35% of households in Altura, compared to the state's total of 47%.

The average age for residents of Altura is 32.7%. The median age is 32.9%, with only 16.3% of residents aged 65 and over. Overall, males outnumber females, with 33% in the service industry, 28% in blue collar jobs, and 39% in white-collar roles. When looking for a new home, it's a good idea to look for a home in Altura, MN that is close to a big city, as you can get a great flight there and book an overnight stay at a nearby airport.

The Altura area is located in Winona County, Minnesota, and has a population of 493 as of the 2010 census. Historically, the town was a place of hunting for the Sioux Indians, who hunted native game and trapped mink and muskrat. This was the case until 1853, when the city was incorporated as a settlement. At that time, the government offered $1.25 per acre to settlers who staked their claims.