Beaver Bay, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Beaver Bay City, population was approximately 1,200 people. There are a total of 84 households with people under the age of 18. Forty-nine percent of these households were families with children. In addition, thirty-eight percent were married couples. Thirteen percent of households included a female householder without a husband or wife. The rest were either non-families or individuals. Eight percent of households contained senior citizens. There were 2.15 people per household, making it an average size for a family.

The population of Beaver Bay city is 8,4% white, and is composed of five hundred people. Ninety-five percent of the residents were naturalized before 1990. In fact, Beaver Bay ranks number one for the percentage of naturalized foreigners. The other ten percent of the population were non-citizens. That means that Beaver Bay has zero percent of native-born citizens. Those residents are mostly non-Hispanic or Asian.

There are many things to do in Beaver Bay City. You can explore the surrounding area by using the city's zip code. You can also use the ZIP code to find other cities within 100 miles. The ZIP code is assigned by the US Postal Service (USPS).

In Beaver Bay, two-thirds of the households are made up of people who are married. The percentage of people who are single in the city is less than half of what it is in the U.S., making it one of the most affordable places to live in Beaver Bay. The average household size is 2.2 people. In addition, Beaver Bay is the second smallest city in the metropolitan area.