Bellchester, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Bellechester is estimated at 177. It is located in Goodhue County in the state of Minnesota. It is located near Minneapolis, MN. Goodhue County Roads 2 and 16 are major routes through the city. The city has a total area of 0.31 square miles. This makes it easy to find things to do in the city. If you are considering moving to the area, be sure to research the population and steets in Bellechester.

The population of Bellchester City was recorded in the United States Census in 2010. There were 75 households that had children under the age of eighteen living with them. Another 14.5% were headed by a female householder without her husband. The remaining 37.3% of households were non-families. There were also 16% of senior citizens living on their own. The average household size was 2.33 people and a family size of 2.85 people. The median age in the city was 37 years old.

The Census Bureau is the source of all population data. The 2010 census provided the most basic information, and ACS values are updated annually. Other census data include measures of population characteristics, such as income and education. The Massachusetts Executive Office of Labor and Workforce Development provides monthly updates on unemployment and job counts. These statistics are a good source for assessing the community's progress. Its population is one of the most rapidly growing cities in Massachusetts.