Bellingham, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population and steets of Bellingham City are based on the United States Census Bureau's 2019 American Community Survey. The data is current as of the date of publication but is not guaranteed to be accurate. Bellingham is one of the largest cities in the state of Washington, with a population of nearly 100,000. The city's main street is Route 99, which was once packed with cars, but is now a bike and pedestrian-friendly boulevard.

Before being incorporated in 1903, the city was made up of four smaller communities that grew together around Bellingham Bay. The towns of Whatcom, Sehome, and Fairhaven were gradually consolidated. The "Old Town" area of Bellingham was formed in 1854, and was home to the city's first public school. Fairhaven was an important commercial center with its own harbor and streetcar system, but soon merged with Bellingham to form the city that it is today.

The urban village area has been developed in Bellingham in recent years. The city's planners have promoted high density, and identified several underutilized areas that are perfect for residential and commercial development. In one example, the city's Fairhaven neighborhood now has one hundred apartments on 0.41 hectare of commercial space. The urban village area is more affordable to develop than other areas of Bellingham. The city's population is growing as is its economy, with many new businesses coming downtown.