Borup, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you've ever wondered what the Population & Steets in Bor up City, Minnesota are, you're not alone. Many other Minnesotans are also interested in knowing more about this city's demographics. Listed below are the racial and ethnic breakdowns of the population. For example, there are roughly 3.2% of single men living in Borup, while 3.9% of single women are living in the city.

The demographics of Borup are available online. The population density in Borup City is calculated by comparing the number of residents per square mile to the state and national averages. You can also view median age of the residents in this city. If you're curious about how diverse Borup is, you can take a look at the diversity map on this website. The city's diversity is shown as green in the diversity map, while red areas represent those with lower diversity. In other words, you can find green areas with a higher diversity of races while red areas contain fewer people of any race.

The population of Borup City is comprised of both native and foreign-born residents. Most residents of Borup hail from South-East Asia, which puts the city atop the South-East Asian index. Because of this, Borup is home to the highest percentage of foreign-born residents in the northeast US. It's no wonder that Borup is one of the safest cities in the country, with its relatively low crime rate per resident.