Bricelyn, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're wondering what the Population & Steets in Bricleyn City are like, read on to discover the answers to these questions. It's easy to find these statistics using the United States Census Bureau. For the past few years, Bricelyn has had an above-average population. However, it's important to note that the number of evictions in Bricelyn City is significantly higher than the population of surrounding towns.

The median age of residents in Bricelyn is 40 years old. A high school graduation rate of 85% is required to attend Bricelyn High. However, the majority of the population is above that of Minnesota's average for middle school students. Bricelyn is home to 12.5% foreign-born residents. The average household income in Bricelyn is $63,628.

The median property value in Bricelyn is $41,400 in 2019, which is approximately 16.7% lower than the national average. Bricelyn, MN's median property value has decreased from $42,500 in 2011 to $41,400 in 2019. In terms of housing costs, the median household rent is $643 per month, making it more affordable than neighboring communities. In Bricelyn, MN, the median price of a single-family home is $41,400.

The median household income in Bricelyn is $29,375. The median income of Bricelyn residents is $21,111. The per capita income is $15,340. The percentage of people living below the poverty line is lower than the national average and the state average. Only 2.9% of residents have a graduate or professional degree. A high school education is required for a family to live in Bricelyn, which is why a high school education is necessary.