Brooklyn Park, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following data reflects the racial and ethnic makeup of the population of Brooklyn Park, MN. Data is provided by the US Census Bureau and may not be representative of the entire city. However, it can provide insight into the socioeconomic status of the residents of Brooklyn Park. In addition to the total population, the data also shows the percentage of households that fall below certain income thresholds. The percentages are based on the age, gender, and race of the household members.

The mortality and hospitalization rates were not very high. In January 2021, the number of hospitalizations was 136 per 100,000 residents. This number increased significantly to 44 per 100,000 in January 2022. The hospitalization and mortality rates were lower in February 2022, with each averaging just under 20 per 100,000 residents.

The percentage of households that speak a language other than English is higher than the national average. In 2011, over 3,300 Brooklyn families entered homeless shelters in New York City. In addition, nearly half of households do not speak English at home. However, almost thirty percent of the residents over 25 have at least a bachelor's degree.

According to the most recent census, Brooklyn Park City's population is more multi-racial. The population of Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders increased by 41 percent, and that of Hispanics or Latinos by 3.4 percent. Meanwhile, the White population grew by only eight percent, while that of Blacks and African Americans declined by nearly nine percent.