Buhl, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets of Buhl City, North Dakota. You can also find the zip code for Buhl and the city's school and library. These pages will also include the city's library and school address, phone number, and map. For more information, you can check out the Buhl School and Library page. This page lists all schools and libraries in Buhl.

The population of Buhl City is higher than the rest of the state, and this is reflected in the average household size. About 58% of households in Buhl have two adults. However, many households are headed by a male or a female alone. This means that you will find more retirees than people in other age groups in the city. This makes the city an excellent place to live for people who want to enjoy a slower pace of life.

While Buhl has an average of 5.9% foreign-born residents, it is home to an equally high percentage of Native-born citizens. However, this population density is not necessarily reflective of the city's diversity. The majority of Buhl citizens are White and Hispanic, with only 0.3% American Indian or Asian residents. In addition, 24.4% of Buhl residents identify themselves as Hispanic. In terms of the number of people living in poverty in Buhl, the most common occupation groups include: Service-related occupations, white-collar professions, and sales-related occupations.

The median home value in Buhl, ID is $92,600. This is about 0.33 times less than the national median. It is higher than the national average in terms of median household income, with 72.9% of people owning a home. The median household income is $45,533 for a family of four. Buhl's high school graduation rate is 66%. Approximately 10.5% of residents carpool to work.