Comfrey, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Comfrey City is made up of 352 people. This means that almost 90% of the residents are married, while only 4% of them are single, divorced, or widowed. The most common ancestry is German, while Millennials are the second most common group, with 26% of residents reporting Swedish ancestry. Approximately 62% of the population lives in homes.

COMFREY, MN has a ZIP Code of 56019. This ZIP Code belongs to Cottonwood County, Minnesota. The city has no post office. Its population is estimated to reach 550 people by 2020. The ZIP Code is a four-digit number that includes the city's school and library information. The USPS gives the city this number by default. In addition to a ZIP code, Comfrey also has a ZIP extension of 4+4.