Cotton, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median home value in Cotton City is $57,500, which is lower than the national average of $56,500. The poverty rate in Cotton City is 0.79%, with a higher number for Hispanics (7.10% below the poverty line). The median homeownership rate is 77.4%, higher than the national average of 64.1%. The median age for marriage in Cotton City is 45-54 for both men and women. Non-citizens include legal residents, temporary workers, and international students. In addition, illegal immigrants, including humanitarian migrants, are included in this percentage.

The growth of the railroads in antebellum Mobile helped the area's economy. This growth was reflected in the rich plantations located in the interior of the state. Cotton was the chief export and the city prospered as a result. Although the railroads did not save the city, they helped make it a shipping point for cotton. The railroads continued to make Greenwood a thriving city through the 1940s. There were several cotton factors and related businesses based downtown. During the Civil Rights Movement, Greenwood became a focal point for protests and voter registration struggles.

The growth of the cotton industry in Manchester is dependent on the development of its non-industrial sectors. The city's fortunes depend on these non-industrial sectors. In 1841, the cotton industry employed 18% of Manchester's labor force. Eventually, it became the largest manufacturing city in the world. It also dominated the cotton districts in Lancashire and Cheshire. And its economy still thrives today.