East Grand Forks, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in East Grand Forks, MN is $196,500, which is less than the national average of $196,500. The homeownership rate is 65.9%, higher than the national average of 63.7%. The median age of people in East Grand Forks is 34.5 years, and the city has a high foreign-born population (35.5%). Most residents commute to work by car, and the average household has two cars.

Since the flood, there have been few new rental apartments built in East Grand Forks. Many of the residents served by the DeMers housing agency live in old farmhouses or mobile home parks. The flood displaced many low-income renters, forcing them to seek better housing in other communities. In response, the city has been working on a disaster recovery plan. In addition, the population of the city is projected to increase by three percent in the next few years.

The median household income in East Grand Forks, MN is lower than in its neighboring and parent geographies. The city has low racial and ethnic diversity. It is a low-income neighborhood, and the majority of residents are white. The city has a high percentage of people who live in poverty, and many of the people who have lost homes have no plans to return.

The city's population is 9.079, according to the US census. It is the third-largest city in the Midwest, with an area of 5.9 square miles. As of the 2010 census, the city had a median household income of $60,453 (about 7% more than the year 2000).