East Gull Lake, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

East Gull Lake is a city located in Minnesota. The population is made up of mostly white people. Only 12.3% of residents are African-American and 0.7% are American Indian. The other races represented are Hispanic and Asian. This city is in the 75th percentile when compared to the rest of Minnesota. The Minnesota census data comparison tool is easy to use and offers statistics for cities and towns across the state.

The population of East Gull Lake is approximately 1059 people. The city is located in Cass County, Minnesota. Its time zone is Central Daylight Time, six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. Residents who are planning a vacation can find more information by looking up the cities nearby.

The average family size in East Gull Lake is 2.7 people. This is lower than the average family size in neighboring Pillager, which is 3.2 people. East Gull Lake is home to many veterans - 9.7% of its adult residents are veterans. A majority of residents are married.

The population of East Gull Lake City is composed of people from many different backgrounds. In general, residents are 47 years of age or older. One quarter of the residents are under the age of 18. There is also a small proportion of single women, with only 3%. There are also a few households with senior citizens living alone.