Eveleth, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you are interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Eveleth City, Minnesota, you've come to the right place. You'll find the city center of every city within 152 miles of Eveleth, MN, from where you can book flights and drive from town to town. Here are the cities nearby Eveleth, MN that you should consider visiting.

The city of Eveleth, Minnesota, is located 60 miles north of Duluth and 178 miles south of St. Paul. Other nearby communities include Leonidas, Iron Junction, Mountain Iron, Kinney, Biwabik, and McKinley. There are also a number of parks and recreational areas in the city. The population of Eveleth decreased by 0.977% between 2016 and 2017.

The median household income in Eveleth is $38,382 per year. The median income for households in Eveleth is $36,070. The median property value in Eveleth is $76,000. The average family has two cars. The median property value is $76,000. The median age of Eveleth's population is 58.2%. Most people live in households with two cars.

The rent burden is a useful indicator of the affordability of rental housing in a city. The rent burden in Eveleth City, Minnesota is 30.9%, which is higher than the average rent burden in the state of Minnesota. Two nearby cities, however, have lower rent burdens: Ely and Hibbing. The average rent for housing in Eveleth is $620 per month. You can determine how much it costs to live in the city by comparing rent burdens in other cities nearby.