Finlayson, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The Finlayson City demographics are outlined on this page. You can view the Population & Steets in Finlayson City and view demographic data for other communities in Minnesota. The City of Finlayson is a suburban community in north-central Minnesota. Its population is roughly 5,000. It has three main roads: Highway 3 (Route 135), Route 8 (Route 154) and Highway 73. Finlayson is home to a few major highways, which are classified as principal roads. The City of Finlayson also has a few restrictions on manufactured homes. They must be anchored to a foundation and bear the HUD label on the exterior.

Minor structures, such as birdhouses, tool houses, and pethouses, are allowed in Finlayson City. The City has a building official who issues a certificate of occupancy for buildings. The city has a zoning ordinance that requires that minor structures be approved by the City Council before they are allowed to be constructed. If you want to construct a house, it must be built in accordance with Finlayson Zoning Ordinance.