Fridley, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to learn more about the population of Fridley City, Illinois, you can check out the Population & Steets page. You can read the latest data on the demographics of the city and get a general idea about the people living in Fridley. The population of Fridley increased slightly from 2000 to 2014, compared to the same period last year.

Compared to 1990, the population of Fridley is 67% white. In contrast, the population of the city has increased the most in the African American, Asian, and Hispanic groups. The city has experienced a marked increase in its religious diversity, with three Islamic Centers and countless church groups meeting in rented space. In fact, 97% of the city's residents consider Fridley a good or excellent place to live.

The percentage of single people is low in Fridley, with only 52% of households headed by single individuals. This is lower than other cities in the area. Brooklyn Center has the highest percentage of single people, with over 60%. Overall, Fridley is 4.5% larger than the average in both. However, this difference is only indicative. Fridley has a relatively lower percentage of people who are divorced than in other cities.

The city's growth is slower than the national average, but overall the area has a growing economy. In addition, it is also a major transportation hub. In addition to highways and rail service, weapons manufacturing became the major employer in the city. It created thousands of jobs. With increased mass transportation, the city's growth turned from agricultural to industrial, and it is expected to reach nearly two thousand by 2030.