Gatzke, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets in Gaatzke City? This is a question that many people want answered. The following article will cover the basics. It will also tell you where to find the most recent census data for Gatzke City. This small town in Marshall County is home to about 100 people. However, it's not incorporated. You can still visit and enjoy the small town atmosphere - there's plenty to do in the city.

The population of Gatzke is approximately 226 people. There are 129 males and 97 females living here. Their median age is 44.3 years. The median household size is 62 units. There are 103 births and 107 deaths each year. There are two23 races represented in the town. The rest of the population is comprised of one or two races. The majority of residents are white, although there are a few African Americans and Asians.

The population of Gatzke City is primarily comprised of white-collar workers and is slightly above average in terms of education. It is believed that the west part of the city is the safest part of the city. In terms of crime, the rate is 0.17% lower than the national average. If you're looking for a safer neighborhood, try living in the west part of Gatzke City.

The robbery rate in Gatzke City is high in the area around the airport and in parks. In the latter part of the city, the rate may be higher than the east because few people live in those areas. But in reality, crime happens where people gather. This does not mean that there are no safe neighborhoods in Gatzke, MN. You just need to keep in mind the population and steets in the area and you'll find a safe neighborhood for you.